Staff Reporter
MARONDERA- As the Second Republic moves to boost the country’s food security, more than 18 000 hectares have been put under wheat in Mashonaland East province.
Agriculture and Rural Development Advisory Services acting director Leonard Munamati revealed this in a recent interview with Chaminuka News.
By last week, the province had managed to plant 18 735 hectares of wheat against a provincial target of 21 000 hectares.
In last year’s winter wheat season, the province planted 16 000 hectares that contributed in making Zimbabwe wheat self-sufficient.
Munamati said: “We have grouped all wheat growing farmers into clusters and the national power utility, ZESA, ring-fenced these clusters to make sure that they have adequate power for irrigation. On the other hand, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) has been on the ground and confirmed availability of enough water to irrigate targeted hectarages.
“In Mashonaland East, farmers managed to plant 18 735 hectares of the crop and that was a huge step as they surpassed the 16 000 hectares planted last season. Our extension workers and the farmers have been working hard to ensure that this winter wheat season becomes another huge success.”
The country’s wheat crop production is supported through the Government’s National Enhanced Agricultural Productivity Scheme (NEAPS), the Presidential Wheat Support Scheme, self-financed growers and private contractors.
This season, the country is expecting more than 600 000 tonnes of wheat from the 120 000 hectares that were set as the national target. Last season, Zimbabwe harvested a record 465 000 tonnes from 91 000 hectares that were put under the crop.
The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development expected farmers to wrap up planting by last Friday.