    HomeNehanda GuardianCall to promote upcoming artists

    Call to promote upcoming artists

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    By Beatrice Imbayago

    UPCOMING artists in the province have called on promoters and the corporate world to support them so that they could become known brands in music circles.

    Speaking to Nehanda Guardian, Hillary from Muzarabani who is an upcoming artist said there was need for the corporate world to promote and support them so that they can also become big names in the music industry.

    It was his view that there is a lot of talent in the rural areas, which needs to be nurtured and supported financially for it to exhibit full musical potential.

    “Kuno kumaruwa kune tarenda rakawanda, asi dambudziko riri panyaya dze exposure. Kuti munhu uzonzi wave kuzivikanwa panotora kurema, uye panotora nguva yakareba chose, apa unenge uchigona kuimba,” he said.

    The zimdancehall artist who has since recorded a number of songs said due to the lack of recording materials and recording equipment the quality and standard of their music was compromised.

    “Nekuda kwekushaya zvikwanisiro zvekurecordesa mimhanzi yedu kuno, music yedu yatinozobuditsa inenge isina ma standards akanaka anoenderana neimwe mimhanzi yatinonzwa, zvekuti kuno tikawanawo sponsor anotivakira ma studios kuno anenge atibetsera,” he said.

    He said most artists talented could not afford to go to big studios as this required money.

    The secondary school student said local artists in Muzarabani were making strides in fighting against drug and substance abuse among the youths.

    “Our music is helping so much in the fight against drug and substance abuse in our area as most of my peers are occupied by composing music and recording, thereby helping them to desist from drug and substance abuse,” he said.

    However, if local artists received enough funds for their music, they could also help in the fight against drug and substance abuse in the country as most of their music was teaching the young ones about the effects of drug abuse.

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