Beatrice Imbayago
COMMUNITIES in the province need encouraged to contribute to the fight against child abuse.
Speaking during a campaign against child abuse, rape and sexual reproductive health held recently, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) Commissioner for Mashonaland Central Province, Charity Gezi, said there was need for everyone’s effort to end child abuse and rape cases in the province.
“It is everyone’s role to safeguard and make sure that we end child abuse in the province,” she said.
The call comes at a time when the province tops issues to do with child abuse school dropout rate of the girl child and child marriages.
Commissioner Gezi said children must be safeguarded hence they are the future of tomorrow.
“Ngatichengetedzei vana vedu, nekuti ndivo ma academia emangwana. Ndivo ma parliamentarians emangwana, ndivo madoctors emangwana. Saka tikavakanganisira hupenyu hwavo izvozvi hapana chatinenge taita,” she said.
Commissioner Gezi said the province was tasked with ensuring that the children’s health was cared for.
In a speech read on behalf of the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Christopher Magomo, he said the increase of child abuse cases by close members were alarming and unacceptable.
He said there was need to put an end to cultural acts and practices that endanger children.
“We must confront cultural taboos and harmful practices that persist in our community, areas, in our churches and society,” he said.
During the commemorations prisoners had the opportunity to present testimonies on how they ended up in prison.
One prisoner said he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for raping a 10- year-old girl in revenge against his former lover.
“Ini ndakasungirwa ku raper mwana wesugar mummy wandaidanana naye apo ndaida kumurwadzisa kuburikidza nekusekwa nevamwe vangu kuti ndainge ndichidanana nemunhu mukuru kwandiri,” he said.
The prisoner appealed to society to welcome them when they are released from prison as they will have reformed from the old ways.
“Taikumbirawo kuti kana tichinge tasunungurwa kubva kuno vanhu vatitambirewo munharaunda dzataigara vasatione sevapari vemhosva asi vationewo sevanhu,” he said.
The jail term for rape has since been raised to 20 years imprisonment.
The campaign was held by the ZPCC in conjunction with the Parliament of Zimbabwe.