Harare, (New Ziana) – The government has approved over 400 applications by former white commercial farmers for compensation under the Global Compensation Deed for payment, President Mnangagwa said on Monday.
The farmers, whose excess farmland was taken by the government to resettle landless peasants, have struck a deal with the government for compensation for improvements made on their former properties.
Addressing a high level structured dialogue platform on debt arrears clearance, President Mnangagwa said in line with the Global Compensation Deed signed in 2020, his Government made an allocation of US$35 million in last year’s national budget to compensate the farmers.
He said US$20 million was similarly allocated in the 2024 national budget, specifically covering farms protected by Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreements, of which 94 applications have been approved for payment. President Mnangagwa said the country deemed it in its interest and part of its national character to consolidate constitutionalism, the rule of law, good governance and the protection of constitutionally enshrined rights and freedoms.
“Governance reforms, are therefore, guaranteed under the Second Republic. A countrywide decentralisation of our justice delivery system is on-going. “Meanwhile, the fight against corruption is being strengthened with the anticipated enactment of the Whistleblower Protection Bill, Witness Protection Bill, Anti Corruption Amendment Bill as well as the Assets and Conflict of Interest Bill,” he said.
Further, said President Mnangagwa, the Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) Bill is expected to enhance transparency and accountability within the sector, while also augmenting the country’s fight to prevent the financing of terrorism and money laundering, through PVOs.
He said in order to improve the human rights environment in the country, the abolition of the Death Penalty Bill is undergoing parliamentary approval processes with the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission having been decentralised.
“The establishment of the Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission in line with Section 210 of the constitution, will undoubtedly enhance the culture of transparency and accountability in our security sector,” he said.
He said that since the last High Level Structured Dialogue Platform Meeting in June 2023 and following the successful harmonised general elections in August last year, the reforms and modernisation of various aspects of the country’s public sector have been scaled up.
Transformative infrastructure development projects across the country are changing the quality of people’s lives, President Mnangagwa said, adding that the funding of such projects is through domestic resources and external financing.
He hailed the successful implementation of the arrears clearance and debt resolution strategy, saying it was key for the country to unlock new concessional external financing, critical in achieving national economic development objectives.
He said as the country transitions to the implementation of the National Development Strategy 2, access to external concessional financing will be key for long term funding of its projects and programmes.
“I call for the continued support of our creditors and development partners as envisaged in the roadmap to be presented to this forum by the Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion,” said President Mnangagwa.
New Ziana