Beatrice Imbayago
COMMUNITIES in Shamva have praised the Zunde raMambo scheme saying it is playing a significant role in providing for the vulnerable members of society.
In interviews with Nehanda Guardian on the sidelines of the Provincial Chiefs’ Day commemorations held at Chief Bushu’s village, the villagers said they were grateful for the Zunde raMambo scheme as it was helping in feeding the elderly and the child-headed families.
Betty Kasirori, an elderly in Chief Bushu’s Village said she was grateful for the Zunde raMambo as it was helping them to access grain easily.
“Tinonzwa kufara neZunde raMambo nekuti isu sechembere hataikwanisa kuti tiende tinomira nevana vechidiki tichipihwa chikafu pamwe chete navo nekuti isu hatina simba taitongodzoka takadaro tisina chatawana,” she said.
Another villager, who identified himself as Paradzai, said the Zunde raMambo feeding scheme was welcome as most people did not harvest crops from their fields during the last farming season.
“Isu tinofara ne Zunde raMambo nekuti mwaka wakapera vazhinji hatina chatakawana muminda yedu nekuda kwe El Nino yakaitika munyika yedu yeZimbabwe,” he said.
He said it was difficult for the people in the villages, especially the child headed families to provide a meal for themselves.
“Tine vana vanogara vega vakafirwa nevabereki vatinoti ma child-headed families. Vana ava vaiwanikwa vachishupikana kuti vakwanise kuwana chikafu chekudya kana kamwe pazuva hapo, asi kuburikidza ne chirongwa cheZunde raMambo vana ava vaakukwanisa kunge vachiwanawo chekudya chakavaringana,” he said.
Under the Zunde ramambo feeding scheme, chiefs are given five tonnes of grain per ward, which is meant for the well-being of the vulnerable members of society such as the disabled, elderly and child-headed families.
The Government declared the 2023/2024 farming season a state of national disaster because of the devastating drought condition brought about by the El Nino weather phenomenon. In response to the drought, the Government has been providing needy families, the elderly, the disabled and child-headed families with assistance under an exercise expected to run until March 2025 when most villagers will be in a position to access their crops.
New Ziana