Beatrice Imbayago
PSMAS members have welcomed free cancer screening services and health checks ups that were being conducted in the province in celebration of cancer month
Beneficiaries of PSMAS told Nehanda Guardian that they were thrilled by the free cancer screening services that were done in the province.
One such woman, Mary Muvhumba said the move by PSMAS was welcome and needed to be done regularly to enable beneficiaries to access some of the services that are not affordable to them.
Eunice Mudapakati echoed the same sentiments adding that paying for such services were beyond the pockets of many people and yet they could save lifes.
“Ndafara nekuti ndanga ndane 3 years ndisina kubvira ndenda kuchipatara nekuti pandaiienda ndainzi wedzera imwe mari ini ndisina asi nhasi ndakwanisa kutariswa chirwere chegomarara remuchibereko pachena ,” she said.
Another beneficiary who preferred anonymity urged PSMAS to bring fitness to provinces to enable them to stay fit.
“Isu tirikuti dai makwanisa kutiunzira ma fitness trainers kana kuti motaura nevema gym topota tichienda hedu kuma gym tichinopisa mafuta tiriko nekuti pane vamwe vanzi vanofanira kuderedza mafuta mumivuri yavo. Vanhu vakadaro vanotoda motivation from fitness trainers nekuti vega havangambozvigone saka dai makwanisa kutiunzirawo ma gym nema trainers kuma province edu zvaiita zvakanaka,” she said.
PSMAS was offering free prostate cancer screening to its members who are 45 years and above, free Blood Pressure, sugar and BMI and weight checks.
They also offered cervical cancer screening for women aged 30 and above.
Their screening services conceded with the Breast cancer awareness campaign which is commemorated yearly and offers free breast cancer and cervical cancer screening services to all women in the country who are at risk of having the disease.
The campaigns are made to enable early dictation of the disease which will help to save lives.
The PSMAS team were conducting the outreach programmes throughout the province for a week and will be moving to the other provinces as well.