Harare, (New Ziana) – The SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation has called for a peaceful power transition in Lesotho after embattled Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, stepped down on Tuesday.
Thabane had been under growing pressure, even from his party, to resign after being implicated in the murder of his estranged wife in 2017.
His current wife was in February charged for allegedly organising the
killing, a charge which ended up implicating Thabane.
The murder, and the subsequent demands for the premier to stand down had fuelled tensions in a country which has a long history of coups and political assassinations.
The 80-year old Thabane, in a televised address, said on Tuesday he was stepping down due to old age.
Finance Minister Moeketsi Majoro is expected to be sworn in as his
Four SADC leaders who who took part in a security meeting on Mozambique said they had taken note of Thabane’s resignation, and called for a peaceful transfer of power.
The SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security is made up of the leaders of Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia.
“The Extraordinary Organ Troika Summit plus Mozambique noted the
latest developments in the Kingdom of Lesotho and called for the
peaceful transfer of power in line with the Constitution of the
Kingdown of Lesotho,” the troika said in a communique.
South Africa is mediating the Lesotho crisis on behalf of SADC.
New Ziana