Harare, (New Ziana) – Pan African Parliament (PAP) President Chief Fortune Charumbira has urged South African youths to take part in the country’s general election later this month to help safeguard South Africa’s hard won independence gains from colonial rule.
He was speaking at a Development and Democracy Dialogue meeting in Midrand in South Africa, the home of the continental legislature. South Africans head to the polls next week.
“One of the objectives of this Dialogue is to sensitise young people on the importance of participating in elections and further encourage young people to adhere to principles of political tolerance before, during and after elections through signing of the Peace Pledge,” Charumbira, who is Zimbabwean, said.
“As the youth population, you constitute a third of the population of this country which makes you a powerful and influential force in voting for the leaders that you desire.”
Chief Charumbira added that apathy towards political processes, especially voting, does not help because voting will still proceed and leaders will still be elected.
He added that as South Africa prepared for the elections, it was important to discuss challenges faced by youths and bring them to the attention of policy makers and those that are going to be elected to represent them.
“We cannot talk about democracy, good governance, transparency and accountability when a critical component of the population, the youth, are not part of the discussion.
“We cannot contribute to a prosperous future for Africa if we do not harness the demographic dividend resident in our youth who are the leaders of tomorrow,” he said.
Charumbira said the continent cannot facilitate development and cooperation or strengthen continental solidarity if the youth are left behind.
“It is imperative for the youth to understand where this great Republic came from, the sacrifices that were made for South Africa to be where it is today, in order for them to protect the gains of the revolution from a position of knowledge and promote actions and initiatives that consolidate South Africa’s maturing democracy,” he added.
He wished good luck to South Africa in the upcoming elections, and said it was his hope that they would be free, fair and credible, with the outcome representing an expression of the collective will of the people.
New Ziana