Harare, (New Ziana) – The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption
Commission on Friday hailed the Zimbabwe National Water Authority
(ZINWA) for signing the Corporate Integrity Pledge, as it marks a
significant step towards fortifying mitigation against corruption.
ZACC chairperson Michael Reza said this in his address to stakeholders
gathered to witness ZINWA board members signing the Corporate Integrity
Pledge in the capital.
As part of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS), ZACC is
advocating for signing of Integrity Pledges by civil servants and
employees in the private sector as well as establishing integrity
committees in parastatals, state owned enterprises, government
departments, Ministries and agencies.
Reza said the Pledge is not just a mere document but it is a testimony
of the organization’s solid commitment to ethical conduct, transparency,
and accountability.
He added that the benefits that will accrue to ZINWA from the signing of
the Corporate Integrity Pledge are both immediate and long term.
“Foremost, this will strengthen public trust in the institution. When
citizens know that their water authority operates with unwavering
integrity, they are more likely to support its initiatives, comply with
regulations, participate and embrace the organisation’s initiatives on
campaigns in water conservation efforts.
“A Corporate Integrity Pledge will also enhance operational efficiency.
When corruption is eliminated from procurement processes, resources are
allocated more effectively, leading to better infrastructure maintenance
and service delivery. The money saved from preventing corrupt practices
can be reinvested in system improvements, technology upgrades, and
employee development and appreciation,” he said.
Reza said a Corporate Integrity Pledge will improve employee morale and
performance as they will take pride in being part of an organization
that stands for integrity.
He said as it has declared 2025 a year of Integrity Action, the
commission will systematically engage public institutions for
collaborative strategies to strengthen integrity, prevent corruption and
contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.
The intensification of the fight against corruption is crucial in public
utilities, particularly so in the water sector where if unchecked, can
engender devastating effects to the society, he said.
“ZINWA is an authority that manages one of our most precious resources,
water, which is not just a commodity but a fundamental human right.
“Thus, the integrity of ZINWA operations directly impacts the health,
well-being, and economic prosperity of millions of our citizens,” he
Speaking at the same occasion ZINWA board chairperson Engineer Bongile
Ndaweni said signing of the Integrity Pledge by the board members adds
to the other indicators of their readiness to combat corruption within
their ranks and to engrain a culture of integrity in staff members.
She added that the fight against corruption is a multisectoral and
multistakeholder effort, requiring everyone to apply themselves and put
their hands on the deck.
“At ZINWA we fully appreciate and understand the need to rid our
organization of corruption, considering the central and strategic place
that water resources management occupies in the socio-economic
development matrix. We also equally appreciate that the water sector,
like any other sectors, is not immune to corruption,” she said.
Ndaweni commended ZACC for its guidance, adding its efforts will not be
in vain as they will assist the water authority to deliver a better
New Ziana