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Bullying, substance abuse rife at Gwanda High – Headmaster


PARENTS with pupils at Gwanda High School were last Saturday shocked after the headmaster,
Arthur Maphosa, made startling revelations that bullying and substance abuse were rife at the
Maphosa, who was speaking during a parents’ meeting, did not mince his words as he further
revealed that pupils also have a habit of sneaking harmful weapons at the school.
Parents in attendance were shown some of the confiscated weapons that were seized.
“Students have a tendency of sneaking in harmful substances and unauthorised objects into the
school, some of which you’re seeing here.
“Students have turned this school into a nightmare such that we now search our pupils when they
enter. We have, among many things, confiscated alcohol, cigarettes, matches and okapi-knifes,"
said Maphosa.
Deputy Head, Bonisiwe Mlilo, highlighted the surge in bullying that teachers at the school were
We cannot disclose, names but there are bullies on our school premises, who terrorise other
students, especially during break and lunch-time. They instill fear in minors before getting away
with their food stuff. This situation has forced other students to dodge studies fearing bullying,"
explained Mlilo.
Parents were urged to instill discipline in their children at home.
A parent with a child at the school, who identified herself as MaNgwenya, told the meeting that
children’s behaviour at school is a reflection of what they see at their homes.
As parents, we agree that most of the blame goes to us. Look at how many households are
selling cheap hot stuff liquor? The same parents are not even ashamed at times to sell that liquor
to pupils in uniforms.
“We are neglecting our children and not confronting them at homes, even when they show
bullying behaviour,” she pointed out.

During the meeting, parents came up with a resolution that students who violate others and those
who sneak in with banned substances should be expelled outrightly.
Ward 6 Councillor, Ponalo Maphala, seconded the initiative mooted by the parents.
I am happy that parents have opened up and came up with a tough solution to this menace. I
understand teachers are here to work not to chase naughtiness exhibited by our children. Charity
begins at home. As parents, the future of our children lies in our hands hence we should bear that
in mind as we see this school is developing. \We should be proud of it,said Cllr Maphala.