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Provincial Newspapers Telegraph

Women representation increases


CHINHOYI – ZANU PF and the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) have finally chosen
five women to fill in the gender inequality gap that was created during the actual race
where only two women won against men for the council committee.
Patricia Chibaya and Chido Mlotshwa of CCC, won the council seats against men and
they became the only two women who were representing women in the council against
14 male councillors.
Mlotshwa expressed her gratitude to the people who voted for her to keep the seat
against men. She said in an interview: “I am humbled, and I am happy as a woman to
race with men who are always dominating in the local authority.”
She also went on to advise other women who by any chance or by misinformation think
that local authorities’ positions or political positions are only for men saying: “women
should stand up and participate in all these decision -making positions to make a
difference. We are equal and we are given equal opportunities and women should grab
them the same way that men do.
“I faced so many challenges but the worst of them all was the finances to bank roll the
campaign materials, which made me lose confidence in myself. Most women are afraid
of political violence but I just told myself that I need to run this race and represent my
fellow ladies in the council. I would also like to thank the ladies who voted for me. I
received overwhelming support from both women and men and also the young people.”
Now with the women’s quota nominations, Florence Masache, Dorcas Marunga, Abigail
Sauti, Ruth Chikukwa and Magglyne have joined the council, increasing women
representation to 35 percent from 10 percent.