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Provincial Newspapers The Times

TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE with Constance Mutambirwa


Enhancing international value of University degrees in ZimbabweThe issue of
unemployment among university graduates in Zimbabwe has become a growing

Many graduates find it challenging to secure employment opportunities, leading to a
significant mismatch between the skills acquired through their degrees and the
demands of the job market.

This article aims to discuss and explore potential university degrees that
Zimbabwean students can pursue to enhance their international value and improve
their employment prospects.

STEM Degrees

In todays globalized world, STEM degrees, which include science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics, have grown in signi ficance.

Encouragement of Zimbabwean students to pursue degrees in STEM-related areas
can provide them a competitive edge and open up a multitude of employment
options in foreign companies, since there is a growing need for specialists in these

One of the main factors contributing to STEM degrees high value is their capacity to
provide graduates with critical abilities that are in great demand in the global labour

At the heart of STEM education are critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation.
The capacity to evaluate complicated issues, reason logically, and come up with
original solutions is developed in students who seek STEM degrees.

These are transferable talents that have use not only in STEM fields but also in a
number of other fields, including finance, healthcare, and even the arts.

Additionally, students pursuing STEM degrees gain a solid foundation in scientific
theories and modern technology. Those with a strong grasp of scientific principles
and technological applications are highly sought after in a time when technology is
developing quickly.

For example, workers in the disciplines of renewable energy, data science, and
artificial intelligence need to possess specific knowledge and abilities that STEM
degrees may offer.

Zimbabwe may address the lack of professionals in these industries by pushing its
students to seek STEM degrees. By drawing in international capital and encouraging

domestic innovation and technical breakthroughs, this could benefit the country's

Additionally, STEM graduates frequently participate in research and development,
which results in the creation of novel approaches, goods, and services that can raise
peoples standard of living on a local and international scale.

Pursuing STEM degrees can offer Zimbabwean students opportunities for
employment in international industries. Many developed countries have a shortage of
skilled STEM professionals, and they often seek talent from countries where STEM
education is emphasized.

By nurturing a strong STEM education system, Zimbabwe can produce a highly
skilled workforce that can compete globally, thus opening doors to international job
opportunities and fostering economic growth.

Business and Entrepreneurship Degrees:

There has been a significant rise in globalization and the growth of the
entrepreneurial ecosystem. This has led to increased prominence of business and
entrepreneurship degrees worldwide. These degrees are designed to equip students
with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the dynamic global business

Benefits of Business and Entrepreneurship Degrees■ Knowledge and Skills:

Pursuing a degree in business or entrepreneurship provides students with a solid
foundation of knowledge and skills in various areas such as finance, marketing,
management, and innovation. This knowledge is essential for understanding the
complexities of the global business environment and developing effective strategies
for success.

■ Creativity and Innovation: Business and entrepreneurship degrees foster creativity
and innovation, encouraging students to think outside the box and come up with new
ideas and solutions. In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to innovate is
crucial for staying competitive and seizing opportunities.