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Provincial Newspapers The Times

Diary of an HIV child


#Chasarapanyika ino ndechekunamata#. Greetings.
This month the world commemorates the World Aids day. This week we take time to listen and give
a shoulder to children who are living with HIV. We say you are not alone and we are with you.
Below we share what one HIV-positive child said:
“Hello I hope I find you well. At least you are the only one who understands what I feel and how I
feel like. Yes today it is another day. I just feel I want to die and leave this world. I don’t think people
really care about us children living with HIV. If they do, I think they do not know what to do with us. I
feel people are tired of HIV.
“Unfortunately, the virus in me is not getting tired. It is killing me. Every day, I feel my body is also
getting tired from the 18 years of tablets. My kidneys are weak. Above all, my soul is also fading and
getting weak each minute. Yes they told me to keep on taking the ART but ummm I tell you it’s also
becoming too much for me.
“Why did my father and mother give birth to a child who is positive who’s me. Out of the five
children, why did it have to be me? I am the middle child. How did this happen to me when they say
at the hospital pregnant women are given tablets to protect their unborn children. Life is so unfair.”
We thank God that you are on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). You are not alone. Some days are
difficult and still painful but going to church every week will help you not feel alone. God has a
purpose for your life and other young children. Every day we see the brokenness around us and even
inside of us.
I pray you will understand that no matter what you have done, no matter what has been done to
you, no matter what you have seen, God can turn your story into one that is a reminder of his grace,
forgiveness and the incredible power of his love. I know God loves you, he has given hope to many
people and he can do it for you.
We love you.
We support you, we are here to listen to you. To just be there when you need someone to talk to.
When you feel tired. When you feel hopeless just call us on 0712 655 2672.
We will laugh with you.
We will sit with you and do nothing.
We will listen.
We will refer you to professionals who will ensure you get the medical help that you need.
Job 11 v18 “Having hope will give you courage”,

PRAYER: Dear Lord thank you for the hope I have in you no matter what comes my way, I know that I
am never alone, you are always right by my side. Amen.
Here are some verses to pray aloud and ponder.
God fights for you (Exodus 14v14)
He believes in you (Mathew 19v26)
He lives in you (Exodus 14v14)
He gave you a gift (James 1v 17)

Meanwhile, 2023 Children Day celebrations in Gweru were fantastic.
Thank you to The Times, ZBC Central Radio, Ya FM radio, the Gweru Memorial library, Parents,
Pastors and all stakeholders. This year children from various suburbs in Gweru had a fabulous
children‘s day.
We had a chance to be on air, to broadcast. We had time to read books at the library. We had time
to learn and enjoy. We met new friends. We learnt a lot thank you. Presentations on Smart we care,
Waste management practices, tourism, inclusion for every child and drug abuse were done by the
young at heart.
Send your questions and contributions to 071 655 2672. Also join us on our Chaplain wevana
WhatsApp group.
Let us continue to save young souls for them to serve.
Happy reading and Be Blessed.!

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